Cuba Through It's ARTS and MUSIC

Cuba wakes to the lilt of acoustic guitars and retires to the tap of bongos, and all day long, its historic buildings and city streets burst with colorful art and creative energy. Indeed, music and art are the heart and soul of this seductive, charismatic island. Enjoy both at their best on our bespoke Cuban Through It's Arts and Music program idea, where your Cuban guide will immerse you in the cultural scenes of Havana and Santiago de Cuba, the country's biggest urban hubs.
Havana_Santiago de Cuba

HAVANA - 4nights

Day 1: Welcome to Havana! After clearing immigrations and customs, our airport representative lead you to your driver who will transfer you to a private house in the heart of the historic center. *Light lunch and meet and greet with your concierge. *Get your feet wet with an afternoon orientation walk. Later that evening, celebrate your arrival with a welcome dinner at a private restaurant. (*For morning arrivals)

Day 2: Meet with with our local expert guide and walk in the footsteps of Havana's colonial past visiting the four key squares of Old Havana. After lunch mee with our art curator guide who will lead you to visit 4 Cuban artists studios and to get a direct and personal interaction wih some of the most prominent and promising artists in Cuba. Dinner at an spacious terrace bar in leafy Vedado that is the epitome of cool. Run by the former lead dancer of Danza Contemporanea it attracts a young, artsy crowd.

Day 3: This morning you will visit an eclectic architectural gem, The National Ballet School. You'll see, upon availability, a ballet class which will show dancers exhibiting the exquisite technique of the Cuban Ballet School and to have the opportunity to exchange with teachers and students. Then meet with resident musicians and artists at Callejón de Hamel to learn about the role of culture, music, the plastic arts and religion in influencing and inspiring community projects in Cuba. Light lunch at an artistic and bohemian hang out; part bar, part photographic gallery, and part social hub. This cafe-restaurant is a welcome addition and a handy spot for a quick lunch. Next, meet with art history experts at the Fine Arts Museum where its holds over 30,000 pieces of the very best of cuban art from the 17th centruy up to these days. This afternoon we'll get to know a prominent independent artist at his Jaimanitas home, where we'll discuss a host of topics, including the beautification of residential communities using art. Dinner great tacos and pork medallions plus super service and cocktails at Cafe de Los Artistes. Owners are big film producers and attract the cool film crowd. Then enjoy live cuban musical show inspired by the Son music of the famous Buena Vista Social Club.

Day 4: After breakfast, get a snapshot into the lives and work of Cuban photographers at Fototeca in Havana, which houses one of the few dark rooms in Havana and is a hub for Cuban amateur and professional photographers. Then meet and exchange with Roberto Salas an accomplished photographer in his private home and review his private collection of extraordinary images. After lunch move onto the next artistic adventure at La Zorra y El Cuervo, Havana's famous jazz club, where you'll meet jazz musicians for a sampling of sounds and rhythm. Wrap up the day at a Religion expert for an authentic Afrocuban Rumba experience. Enjoy dinner, music, dance, film, art and shows under the same roof. The new restaurant 'Tierra' that is also a meeting place for artists and avant-garde arts just inside Fabrica de Arte Cubano.


Day 5:After check-out, it's onward via domestic flight to Santiago de Cuba, Afro-Cuban to the core, witnessed by the white clothing of Santeria initiates and the fast-talking nature of its residents. This afternoon we'll meet with Cuban musicians and administrators from Centro Provincial de la Música Miguel Matamoros in Santiago de Cuba to discuss how aspiring artists find professional outlets and earn a living in Cuba. Dinner in a beautifull small paladar in the center of the Old City of Santiagos. Nice atmosphere, delicious food and interesting decoration. Live son music at Casa de la Trova.

Day 6:Our first morning in Santiago de Cuba, meeting with the independent Cuban artists and faculty of the Casa Artex about the significance religious folk art has on local communities and culture in Cuba. Later, get to know the administrators and residents at Museo de Carnival to learn about the history of the annual July event. Then wondrous visits to important art museums, galleries and workshops where you will see the artistic creation process. After lunch you will live the exciting experience of attending to art lectures by renowned experts of the city; meeting local musicians; and taking guitar, percussion and dancing lessons. Take a chance to visit the Rum museum and The Emilio Bacardi museum before to enjoy an amazing sunset and coktails from The Morro Castle or the San Pedro de la Roca Castle fortress, declared World Heritage by UNESCO in 1997 for being the most complete and the most preserved example of Spanish-American military architecture, based on the principles of Italian and Renaissance styles. Dinner grilled pork and chicken served with the typical sides in a casual backyard restaurant on the outskirts of Santiago.

Day 7:Depart for El Oasis Community, a suburb of Santiago de Cuba, to gather at the private home studios of the local artists and discuss artistic expression as it relates to painting, ceramics and sculpting. Next it's on to meet the Cuban writers, musicians, and artists of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC) to discuss the role of the arts in society as well as the promotion and preservation of various art forms. After lunch carry on to the village of Cobre, home to the Basilica de Nuestra Senora del Cobrea, where Cuban pilgrims make offerings to a statue of a black Madonna. From there, hike alongside a Cuban priest to the Cimarron Slave Memorial for an emotional perspective on this country's history. At the Casa de Cultura de Fernando Ortiz, learn about the influence of African traditions on Cuban culture.

HAVANA - last night

Day 8: After check-out, returning to Havana by domestic flight. Relaxing afternoon at Hotel Parque Central swiming pool. Farewell hosted art dinner with some of Cuba's established and up-and-coming artists. Enjoy cocktails on the terrace and sample Cuban-Fusion cuisine against the stunning backdrop of the Havana skyline.

Day 9: After breakfast, bid farewell to Cuba and board your departure flight.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Many of the places we visit are not tourist destinations and are thus not always available. Therefore, this program should be considered as a sample only – please keep in mind that your bespoke travel plan is designed with our staff according to the specific interests that you would want to highlight in your trip. Final itineraries and quotes are sent 24hrs after we receive your request to our contact email:

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