East Adventure

This tailored package is for holidaymakers who would like to actively explore eastern Cuba, the less tourist and undiscovered side of the island. For those of you with a real zest for adventure and a desire to leave no stone unturned, this is the ultimate EAST experience.
Holguin_Gibara_Cayo Saetia_Baracoa_Santiago de Cuba_Bayamo

HOLGUIN - 1night

Day 1: You will arrive at Holguín known as 'the city of parks', will give you the opportunity to dip into everyday Cuba life doing a city tour with our expert guide around the core of the city. The right-angle grid of its streets was an innovation in its time and made it possible for Maceo and Libertad Streets, two of the main thoroughfares, to link a large number of parks and public squares, which have been kept just the way they have always looked. It is a city with a busy cultural life, made famous by two very different popular figures: 'El Guayabero' and the 'Donkey of Mayabe', ask for them to your guide!

GIBARA - 1night

Day 2: Early breakfast and depart to Gibara, at your arrival you will have a city Tour through the beautiful city seeing the excellent architectural designs of colonial buildings, and the well-planned layout of the city's streets, houses and parks. You will visit Los Caneyes view point south of the town.

CAYO SAETIA - 1night

Day 3: This morning you make a side trip to paradisiacal Cayo Saetia, where you will find a small, falt wooded island in the Bay of Nipe that is connected to the mainland by a small bridge. A protected wildlife park with 19species of exotic animals including camels, zebras, antelopes, ostriches and deer. Bisected by grassy meadows and adorned by hidden coves and beachesm it's the closet Cuba gets to an African wildlife reserve you will have.

BARACOA - 3nights

Day 4: Early breakfast and depart to Baracoa, stopping at Alexander Von Humbolt, Balcon de Iberia National Park along the way. It's about 3 km trail path where you can observe some diffetent kind of trees, accumulation of stones of diverse composition very close to a river that drifted there due to the current from the mountain where the river born and the walkends with a refreshing bath in a natural pool. Box lunch break before continue to Baracoa. Stay at Cuba's most exotic little hideways villa overlooking an idyllic palm-fringed and white-sand beach.

Day 5: After breakfast 2 hours of walking tour around the city of Baracoa, including the Catholic Church, El Castillo hotel, the 1st fortress built to defend the city from Corsairs and Pirates and La Punta fortress. Box Lunch along the 10kms ride until Rio Toa where you will observe a rural life of the region, industrial area and historic sites, making you feel part of the people's history and customs. Visit the trail of cocoa at Finca Duaba. On arrival at Rancho Toa, boat trip across the largest river in Cuba; 120 km long with 71 tributaries. Visit the monument that marks the original site of the landing of Antonio Maceo by Duaba. An hour Leisure to swim in the river or Duaba beach. Late afternoon retunr and relax at Villa Maguana hotel.

Day 6: Early breakfast and departure in 4x4 jeeps to Yumuri, one of the most privileged natural sites in the region of Baracoa just 30 km away from the city. Along the way you will have the opportunity to enjoy the nature awarded beauty of this city. A stop is made at the hill La Niña Bonita, a natural viewing point which provides spectacular views of the landscape, the Yunque and Sleeping Beauty. Time for taking photos. On arrival at Yumurí enjoy a peaceful boat ride along the river to El Cayo, trekking and having leisure. Upon returning you can have a bathe in a beach.


Day 7: This morning we depart to Santiago de Cuba. Lunch at a beautifull small paladar in the center of the historic center. Then meet with our local expert and visit the main historical and cultural places of the urban historic center of the city, which was declared National Monument on October 10, 1978. Visit the Moncada Barracks and its museum of July 26, the Revolution Square and other historical, religious and cultural sites and enjoy a sit in the Céspedes Park. Enjoy the sunset from the most complete and the most preserved example of Spanish-American military architecture in Cuba, The Morro Castle or the San Pedro de la Roca Castle, declared World Heritage by UNESCO in 1997. After dinner live music at Casa de La Trova

Day 8: Adventure time at La Gran Piedra, located in the mountains of the Sierra Maestra, over 1200 meters,La Gran Piedra (The big Rock), is excellent for the observation of endemic flora and fauna. You will also have a close look at the traces left by the French immigrants in this area, its coffee culture and a legacy of traditions that in time became ours, learn more about ths history by visiting to La Isabelica museum, the botanical garden and the highest rock in the Caribbean area, during all this visists you will be accompanied by our local expert guide.

GRANMA - 2nights

Day 9:Breakfast and depart to Granma. Your tour guide will be waiting for you and will go with you to the second city founded by the Spanish, Bayamo. This particular town had great importance during the independence of the island, Bayamo is the home town of some of Cuba´s most significant heroes. Our local guide will take to to the house in which Carlo´s Manuel de Céspedes was born (Currently a museum) as he explains the rich historyof this province.

Day 10:Early morning depart to visit one of Cuba's most rewarding and authentic historical monuments, Comandancia de la Plata - Fidel's Headquarters. Take a 3 hour gentle hike through the Sierra Maestra mountains until you reach Fidel Castro´s hideout. Encased in magnificent natural surroundings La Plata is spectacularly unique; a living testament to Castro's indefatigable ability to organize, survive and run rings around an incompetent enemy. Besides the revolutionar history, the views alone are worth the hike with spectacular scenery and crisp, fresh mountain air.

Day 11: After breakfast, bid farewell to Cuba and board your flight from Holguin or Santiago de Cuba airports, back to your home.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Many of the places we visit are not tourist destinations and are thus not always available. Therefore, this program should be considered as a sample only – please keep in mind that your bespoke travel plan is designed with our staff according to the specific interests that you would want to highlight in your trip. Final itineraries and quotes are sent 24hrs after we receive your request to our contact email: enquiries@bespoketriptocuba.com

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